Shut Down

I got nuthin

Sunday, March 25

Fred Thompson lifts Republican Party spirits

Good summary history of Fred Thompson's recent impact on the campaign - and some background info as well

Thirty-five years ago, Fred Thompson, then an obscure, young country lawyer from Tennessee, became a familiar face to millions of Americans engrossed in watching the historic drama of the Senate Watergate hearings unfold on television. The exposure he received as the Republican counsel to the committee investigating the scandal propelled him to a lucrative law practice, a substantial movie career in a string of popular, first-run films, then the U.S. Senate and finally a return to acting and private law practice.


Thompson's appearance on the scene seemed to stimulate a sudden burst of interest, particularly among the conservatives who view him as acceptable and among the moderates who point out that he has never been reactionary. Also, Baker is leading the Thompson draft, if that is what it can be called at this stage. The former Senate Republican leader's endorsement still carries a lot of weight among party regulars.

Courtesy of Dan K Tomasson of the Ocala (FL) Star Banner