Wow, just wow! Maybe this is why the Romney folks at some blogs were going negative - their guy is not only not getting any traction, he seems to be losing it, whereas Fred Thompson, without any campaign at all, has passed him.
Well, the first round of Fred Thompson numbers continues to come in from state-level polls around the country. The latest numbers out from American Research Group show Mr. Thompson at 12% among likely Iowa caucus goers, beating Mitt Romney's 10%.
All in all, not looking bad for my prediction earlier this week that Mr. Thompson could catch up to Mr. Romney in the blink of an eye.
Courtesy of Ryan Sager in the NY Sun Politics Section
GRAIN OF SALT: Polls in caucus states, like Iowa, are notoriously volatile, so wait till you have 3 good ones in a row to start celbrating.
My Opinion: I wonder how Hugh Hewitt will handle this? He seems to be banging the drum incessantly for Romney (look at his posts they are laregly about Romney/Mormonism and little esle these days - nto toe metnion him pumping his Roomney-boosting book). I notice Hugh avoids mentioning Fred Thompson - its almost conspicuous by its absence. Its time Hugh woke up and went back to being neutral rather than a campaign organ for Romney. Jumped too soon, eh Hugh?